Happy Healthy Living Blog

Our Happy Healthy Living blog has a lot of great information about creating and living a happy and healthy lifestyle. We have articles on healthy eating with some great recipes, informative articles on nutrition, some great informational videos, how to choose the right diet, body cleansing and more.

healthiest way to eat

The Healthiest Way To Eat – Common Sense Nutrition

Nutrition Basics - The Healthiest Way To Eat This article…
indoor air quality

Present Danger: Threats to Indoor Air Quality and Children’s Respiratory Health

Indoor Air Quality Threats Most of us take it for granted…

Great Pesto Recipe

Pesto Recipe With Variations This is a simple pesto recipe with…
Improve Mental Health

7 Ways to Clean Your House and Improve Mental Health

Improve Mental Health With Cleaning A cluttered house can sometimes…

Banana Walnut Bread

Our Favorite Banana Walnut Bread We enjoy a good banana bread.…

Suicide: Knowing The Warning Signs Can Save Your Life

  Photo by Unsplash   While suicide rates…
natural health supplements for depression

6 Natural Health Supplements For Depression

Natural Health Supplements for Depression Depression is more…

7 Best Supplements For Healthy Living

Why Take Supplements I am getting to the age where I…
Addicted To Sugar

How To Quit Sugar For Life

Are You Addicted To Sugar? Many people are…
paleo diet foods

What is the Paleo Diet all About?

The Paleo Diet History There are so many healthy lifestyle diet…
bulletproof coffee

Bulletproof Coffee Experiment

New Experiment With Bulletproof Coffee I just read the…
earth day 2015

Happy Earth Day!

I thought I was environmentally friendly but apparently not. I drive a hyrbid car, I recycle (mostly), I buy local when I can, I eat little meat and live in a small home but that is still not enough.