Entries by Blair Sutherland

What is MCT Oil?

MCT Oil MCT oil is all the rage with the Keto crowd but what is MCT oil really? MCT stands for “medium chain triglycerides” or “medium chain fatty acids” and is derived from coconut and palm oils. Coconut oil is great for a number of things including skin care, oral care (try the coconut pull) […]

Sweet Potato Biscuit Recipe

Healthy Sweet Potato Biscuit Recipe These Sweet Potato Biscuits are so yummy! This sweet potato biscuit recipe is another great recipe from our great friend Dawn Brockett. Serving Suggestions: Serve with honey butter alongside soft scrambled eggs cooked with compound butter. Make into breakfast sandwiches with a fried egg and veggie sausage patty. Serve as […]

7 Breathing Exercises For Better Health

Breathing Exercises You may raise an eyebrow at the idea of doing breathing exercises because you are breathing all the time. So it may seem odd that there are people recommending that you make breathing exercises part of your daily routine! However, there are indeed specific breathing techniques for breath control that help you practice […]

Great Pesto Recipe

Pesto Recipe With Variations This is a simple pesto recipe with some suggestions for variations. We are huge fans of the simple mixture of tasty greens, olive oil, nuts, garlic and cheese that is called Pesto. We grow our own greens in the summer and make it constantly. Here is a great recipe from our […]

Banana Walnut Bread

Our Favorite Banana Walnut Bread We enjoy a good banana bread. Banana bread became popular back in the 1930s when baking soda and baking powder gained popularity. You can add many things to your banana bread such as blueberries, chocolate chips and different types of nuts. We like walnuts in ours. This is a wonderful […]