Whole Foods Supplements

Get the anti-aging formula today!

YES! I want these supplements.

Effective Whole Foods Supplements

Long-term health depends on proper nutrition. But even the most deliberate food choices may not give you the nutrients you need to stay healthy. Supplements can be a great way to fill in the gaps.

Are your supplements doing what you think they’re doing?

Are they getting into your cells?

ASEA VIA is what its name suggests: the pathway to complete, long-term wellness. The nutrients in this line of supplements deliver the nutritional foundation for true, complete wellness.

ASEA VIA Source™, a whole-food micronutrient complex ASEA VIA Biome™, a full-spectrum probiotic ASEA VIA LifeMax™, an active lifestyle and vitality formula.

All are formulated to work together, and each works intuitively with ASEA REDOX. Look for BioVIA™ on the label. Each product in the ASEA VIA line contains a unique and proprietary complex of nutrients specially formulated to maximize your nutritional benefits.

ASEA VIA answers the demand for effective supplements with cutting-edge products that are different from anything else out there with all-natural, highly bioavailable nutrients we don’t get in a regular diet.

Whole Food & Micronutrient Complex

ASEA VIA Source is a whole-food based micronutrient nutritional supplement.

This proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, organic superfoods, trace minerals, and enzymes features ASEA’s proprietary BioVIA™ Source Complex, which delivers the necessary components to ensure maximum bioavailability of all nutrients found in VIA Source.

The ASEA VIA line of nutritional supplements provides optimal support for cellular health and general wellness and is expertly formulated to work in tandem with ASEA REDOX.

Source Benefits:

  • Supports cellular health, general nutrition, and wellness throughout the body.
  • Aids in the assimilation of nutrients with the proprietary BioVIA™ Source™ Complex.
  • Provides nutrient building blocks to work synergistically with ASEA REDOX
  • All nutrients derived from whole food sources.

A Full Spectrum Probiotic

ASEA VIA Biome is a robust, full-spectrum probiotic supplement.

Biome contains 16 probiotic strains and three types of prebiotics, as well as slippery elm (Ulmas rubra), a plant used for thousands of years to address occasional intestinal discomfort and support healthy digestion.

The intestinal tract is the first line of defense between the outside world and the body.
Having a healthy microbiome is important as it helps protect us from harmful microbes.

Clinical studies support the use of probiotics for a wide range of benefits starting at the cellular level.

Biome Benefits:

  • Soothes the digestive system*
  • Supports a healthy immune system*
  • Aids in mental wellbeing*
  • Helps support a healthy
    inflammatory response*
  • Helps the body assimilate vitamins
    and minerals from the diet*

Active Lifestyle & Vitality Formula

ASEA VIA LifeMax is an active lifestyle dietary support supplement.

Precisely formulated with 16 distinctive natural plant extracts shown to help address
the signs of aging, VIA LifeMax helps support a healthy inflammatory response and
helps counter the effects of cellular aging from the inside out.

VIA LifeMax is formulated with BioVIA™ LifeMax Complex, a proprietary formulation that includes a specialized extract of pomegranate which is naturally high in antioxidants and has been shown to have an active effect in the body for more than 24 hours.

Lifemax Benefits:

  • Supports a healthy, active lifestyle*
  • Promotes longevity*
  • Supports cardiovascular health*
  • Regulates healthy cell division*
  • Promotes a healthy inflammatory response*

Improve your health and boost your performance.

Are you tired of feeling sick and taking supplements that your body may or may not benefit from?

Would you like a product that triggers your immune system to go into overdrive?

Do you want that extra energy that you used to have?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.