Happy Healthy Living Blog

Our Happy Healthy Living blog has a lot of great information about creating and living a happy and healthy lifestyle. We have articles on healthy eating with some great recipes, informative articles on nutrition, some great informational videos, how to choose the right diet, body cleansing and more.

raw food recipe tortilla

How To Make Raw Tortillas

Raw Food Recipe for Tortillas This raw food recipe for…
contaminated vaccines

Some Vaccines Are Contaminated

Professor Garth Nicolson discusses recent studies that show some forms of contamination in vaccines scheduled for children.
natural anti-inflammatory foods

How To Reduce Inflammation Naturally (2020 Update)

There are many anti-inflammatory medications on the market today. Several of them have side effects that you don’t really want but can’t do anything about.
happy healthy new year

Happy Healthy New Year Resolutions

The first of each year is a good time to reset and restart the way I think. My goals are to follow the advice of this website happy healthy living with a new diet, attitude and workout routine.
lavender essential oil benefits

Lavender – The Natural Sleep Aid

Lavender is considered the most universal of all essential oils. With its fresh, floral scent, therapeutic-grade lavender oil is highly regarded as a skin and beauty tonic.
natural stress relief

How To Reduce Stress Naturally [2020 Update]

Generally we are a highly stressed society. According to the American Psychological Association, American Institute of Stress, NY, the following statistics are common in the United States.
healthy pesto recipe

Ginger’s Raw & Almost Raw Pesto

Pesto is an Italian sauce traditionally made with crushed garlic, basil, pine nuts, olive oil and Parmesan cheese.
happy healthy living

Raw Foods Diet – Your Personal Raw Law

Eating fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and greens raw insures that the all the enzymes are intact. Heating these plant based foods above 118 degrees Fahrenheit or 48 degrees Celsius destroys all the enzymes
music therapy

What is Music Therapy

Music Therapy As a musician and recording engineer I have…
flu shot

Fairness Experiment

This is an interesting video about fairness. From a TED talk…
flu shot

What You Get With Your Flu Shot

Flu Shot Controversy You may be wondering if you should…